Tag Archives for lifeplus

FITNESS: Take It Outdoors

Whether you realize it or not, our bodies are conditioned from centuries of life spent outdoors, and reconnecting with nature during your workout will leave you feeling good inside and out while toning your body and improving your health.

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NUTRITION: Protein Power Part 2

Discover easy ways to increase the amount of high-quality protein in anyone’s diet.

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FITNESS: Six Ways to Build Muscle

You don’t need expensive weight-lifting equipment or a costly gym membership to tone your body and increase lean muscle mass. The following six tips will show you that all you need is a little space and an open mind. In just a few short weeks, you can see a dramatic improvement in muscle tone and energy levels

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NUTRITION: Protein Power

Protein is the most abundant substance in the body after water. It is found in every cell throughout the body and is a major structural component of cells, especially muscles. It is also found in the body’s internal organs, hair and skin. Because it is such an abundant nutrient, it’s not hard to see why protein is so important for the body.

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NUTRITION: The Healing Power Of Chocolate

Would you believe it if you heard that eating chocolate can help fight fat, reduce your risk of developing cardiovascular disease or slow the aging process? It probably sounds too good to be true. But current research says chocolate may actually be one of the healthiest treats in your kitchen.

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BODY: What Is Obesity?

Modern society is obsessed with weight. And yet many people don’t even fully understand what it means to be overweight, let alone obese or even underweight. Every day we are bombarded with conflicting messages about weight.

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MIND: Don’t Sweat The Small Stuff

“Keeping in the habit of using deep breathing, yoga, meditation, sports, music therapy or whatever other stress-reducing exercise you enjoy will be of great benefit during high-stress times.”

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NUTRITION: Satisfying Foods

Have you ever eaten an entire meal and by the time you stood up from the table you were wishing for more because you weren’t satisfied? Some foods are better at satiating you than are others. Here are five healthy foods that are sure to leave you feeling satisfied so you can make it to the next meal without needing to visit the vending machine at work for an unhealthy snack.

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HEALTH: The Cold War

For those living in the Northern Hemisphere, winter is cold and flu season. But the rise in illness that comes with cold weather isn’t necessarily due to the dropping temperatures. Cold weather alone does not cause any illness. The reasons why people tend to get sick during the winter actually have far more to do with sunlight, living conditions and germs than they do with outdoor temperatures.

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NUTRITION: The Healing Power Of Tea

The healing power of tea was first discovered more than 4,000 years ago when the emperor of China, Shennong, claimed in The Divine Farmer’s Herb-Root Classic that certain tea infusions were useful for treating a variety of health conditions, including abscesses, bladder problems and lethargy. According to modern science and recent research, the emperor may have been on to something. Teas contain high concentrations of a variety of nutrients we know to have health boosting properties. Read on to discover the science behind Shennong’s observations.

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