
263549_10150664814010346_7435982_n (3)Yogalates Mallorca was created by myself, Sam Pope in 2008, when I returned from Australia having trained with Louise Solomon in Byron Bay at the Yogalates™ Training Academy, and had become the first Teacher/Trainer to bring Yogalates ™ to Spain.  A year prior to this I had moved to Mallorca in the quest for a slower, more holistic life in the sunshine, leaving behind my eighteen year career in the cosmetic industry.

My cosmetic career in the UK had culminated in my becoming Education Manager for Origins Natural Resources, one of the Estee Lauder Companies, which gave me a huge insight and opportunity to learn from some very knowledgeable people about the many fantastic healing benefits of natural ingredients from land and sea. What it also brought my attention to was the detrimental high stress world we live in and the many different ways that stress could be manifested within the human body.

Stress has touched me personally from time to time, with symptoms ranging from depression/anxiety to psoriasis/adult acne. I was lucky to have had a fantastic Therapist, who helped me considerably, and the one thing that I will always be forever grateful for, was his reluctance to put me on medication, and also his insistence that I needed to participate in some gentle, serotonin-releasing exercise, and also learn how  to breathe properly. Hence the start of my Yoga Journey to Australia.


Back in Mallorca and with my love of learning ignited it seemed the natural progression that I should also consider what the benefits and effects were of what we put into our bodies. I therefore undertook studies in both Holistic and Sports Nutrition, receiving diplomas at the highest level. Food and Nutrition have now become a huge passion for me and one that I am learning and researching more and more.

What I have also come to realise, during my ongoing journey and on a more personal level, is that at times of high stress or anxiety, I crave, but cannot eat or drink certain types of foods, coffee for instance- I crave it, but if I drink it, it causes more anxiety –  this realisation brought about and endorsed in me, even more deeply, the link and union between the BODY, MIND and SPIRIT – that what you put into your body, really can affect your mind and therefore your spirit.

I truly believe and follow the old saying “You are what you eat”, and that given the correct environment the body has an amazing ability to heal itself. By the correct environment I mean a highly nutritious diet, sufficient exercise, hydration, stress release and supplementation where necessary….and limiting smoking, alcohol, processed food, sugar, red meat and dairy.


In the last fourteen years Yogalates Mallorca has evolved for me, from purely Yoga and Pilates Teaching and Training, to a whole Wellness Programme, where I am able to assist and advise on not just your exercise, but your nutrition, hydration, supplementation, stress management and beauty.

Yogalates Mallorca for your Total Wellness. Inside and Out.



Certified Yogalates Teacher/Trainer
Diploma in Holistic Nutrition
Diploma in Sports Nutrition
Diploma in Stress Management
City and Guilds in Beauty Therapy
City and Guilds in Hairdressing
Thank you for the inspiration and motivation to: Dr Andrew Weil, Louise Soloman, Origins Natural Resources, Maleka Dattu, The School of Natural Sciences, Jason Vale, Food Matters, Hungry for Change, Fat Sick and Nearly Dead, May I Be Frank, Forks Over Knives, The Gerson Therapy and of course my family and friends.
Click here to contact me for more information, help and advice
Email: yogalatesmallorca@live.com
Telephone: 0034 616896055
Instagram: @sampope.wellnesscoaching
Facebook: Sam Pope Wellness Coaching

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